Startup Weekend in Ciudad Juárez: Empowered entrepreneurship and innovation

Entrepreneurship and Innovation: Startup Weekend in Ciudad Juárez
August 30, 2023
(Ferter, Startup Weekend 2023)Last weekend, from August 28th to 30th, Startup Weekend took place in Ciudad Juárez. Promising to be a challenging and stimulating experience for the participants, the event brought together aspiring entrepreneurs from various backgrounds, industries, and expertise who want to change the world with technology.The participants did a team formation dynamic, where participants joined like-minded individuals and built strong teams to develop their projects. A unique and fun part of the event was the opportunity for the teams to camp inside the Center for Innovation and Research in Information Technology and Automation (CIITA).On Saturday, the entrepreneurs attended a series of enriching workshops on various topics related to entrepreneurship and startup development. Crucial subjects such as Business Model, Minimum Viable Product, TRL (Technology Readiness Level), and Pitch Preparation were covered. These workshops provided the participants with essential knowledge and tools to build robust and effective businesses.
Startup weekend participants
In the final day of Startup Weekend, the teams rushed to complete the final preparations for their projects. At 6:00 PM Sunday, the exciting pitches began. Each team had the chance to present their idea for 5 minutes and then face an additional 5-minute period to answer questions from the jury.The evaluation criteria were rigorous, focusing on fundamental aspects for business success such as Customer Validation, Project Execution and Design, Business Model, and Pitching Skill. The ideas presented were diverse and promising, after thorough evaluation, the jury announced the winners and awarded an exciting prize: entry of all the projects into the pre-incubation process of Startup Chihuahua, with a full scholarship.The first-place winning project was called “Instaquote” an AI-backed platform that streamlines the quotation process with suppliers and provides visibility to lesser-known local suppliers. The third-place project, “SUCCES” consisted in a web platform that uses artificial intelligence to connect companies with experts in various fields, simplifying the hiring process for large companies.

Adrian Rodriguez - ¿Where can we go and what skills do we need?
The event kicked off on Friday with a conference by Adrian Rodriguez Buenrostro, Business Director at ITESM, who has an impressive track record in the field of technology and innovation. He called on local entrepreneurs to dare to innovate and adopt technologies already used in more developed regions to drive the growth and development of our country.One of the key points of the conference was the emphasis on bringing economic growth to our border through the utilization of emerging technologies such as Blockchain. Adrian explained how this revolutionary technology has the potential to transform entire industries by providing greater transparency, security, and operational efficiency. Upon conclusion, he provided a quick overview for the participants on the process to develop a successful startup and served as a source of inspiration and knowledge for the attendees.
Victor Talamantes: The Juarense Entrepreneur Who Conquered the Digital World
In the final stage of the event, attendees had the privilege of learning about the inspiring story of Victor Talamantes, a seasoned entrepreneur and founder of the successful Juarense company “Binmatter“. Victor shared valuable reflections based on his own journey as an entrepreneur. He advised the audience to avoid making the mistakes he faced along the way, but also acknowledged that sometimes it is necessary to make mistakes to learn and improve in the world of entrepreneurship. “Every business is unique and has its own needs, so there is no single universal solution for achieving entrepreneurial success.”

Startup weekend was an unforgettable experience for all participants and at Ferter we had plenty of joy at this event. Beyond the ideas and projects presented, what they all truly carry in their hearts are the connections and learnings they gained. These experiences and knowledge will serve them in the years to come as they continue to pursue their dreams and build a successful entrepreneurial future.